The U.S. military is nothing if not prepared. Given recent threats by the North Koreans, United States Forces Korea and other units up and down the chain of command are no doubt dusting off plans for the most likely contingencies. That includes the important public affairs (public relations) theater of operations. Here are DMZ War’s Top 10 military public affairs phrases for a crisis on the Korean Peninsula. The source is the Defense Language Institute/Foreign Language Center’s Language Survival Kit Modules, including “Public Affairs Guide – North Korea.” |
Top 10 Phrases: We do not have information on this subject. ee moonjeye tehan jeongboga aaptsumneeda ( 이 문제에 대한 정보가 없습니다. )There was an incident. sagaanee isaa sumneeda( 사건이 있었습니다. ) Please turn off your camera. sajeengeereul kaa choosheeyo( 사진기를 꺼 주시오. ) For security reasons, I cannot address this question. anbomunjesang, ee chilmooneul chegeehal soo aaptsumneeda( 안보문제상, 이 질문을 제기할 수 없습니다. ) Names cannot be released until victims’ relatives are notified. heesengja gachogee hwageen hageejeoney myongtaneul gongkehal soo aaptsumneeda (희생자 가족이 확인하기 전에 명단을 공개할 수 없습니다. ) We are doing everything we can to save lives. sengmyongeul goohagee weehey mwodeunjee hal kaasimneeda ( 생명을 구하기 위해 뭐든지 할 것입니다. ) We do not discuss future operations with the media. apeurowee hwaltongwey tehey aanlongwa eenonhajee ansumneeda ( 앞으로의 활동에 대해 언론과 의논하지 않 Here is a copy of our ground rules. yaagee geebonwon cheegwee poksaaboneeitsumneeda ( 여기 기본원칙의 복사본이 있습니다. ) We do not discuss personnel or equipment strength with the media. cheegwaneena changbeewee kangjeomey dehey aanlongwa nonweehajee ansumneeda ( 직원이나 장비의 강점에 대해 언론과 논의 하지 않습니다. ) We do not discuss nuclear operations with the media. hekgoonyongye dehey aanlongwa ooinonhajee ansumneeda ( 핵운영에 대해 언론과 의논하지 않습니다. ) |
Bonus Phrases: Do not take videos of this piece of equipment. changbeereul chwaryong haajee masheeyo ( 장비를 촬영하지 마시오. ) We do not discuss chemical operations with the media. hwahak moogeeye tehey aanlongwa weenonhajee ansumneeda ( 화학무기에 대해 언론과 의논하지 않습니다. ) We do not discuss biological operations with the media. sengmur hakcheok baneungey tehey aanlongwa nonweehajee ansumneeda ( 생물학적 반응에 대해 언론과 논의하지 않습니다. ) |