“‘Patrolling inside the DMZ was physically demanding,’ (Moon Kwan-hyun) said in an interview with The Korea Times on Saturday. ‘I was totally drained at the end of the three-month mission.'” Moon was a Korean soldier serving with a U.S. unit, or a KATUSA (part of a program called the Korean Augmentation to the United States Army).
Moon reports the American DMZ mission was not widely known among the South Korean populace. “‘There are blanks in Korea’s history after the Korean War (1950-53),’ he said. ‘I mean we, Koreans, don’t know what happened in Korea’s ‘Western Corridor’ surrounding the outskirts of Seoul and the border city of Paju between 1965 and 1991, because the U.S. military oversaw the DMZ.'”
Source: [INTERVIEW] Last ‘Imjin Scout’ brings DMZ warriors to light